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Today we will learn one useful concept in Gmail. Label in gmail is help us to organize our mail in gmail. In our pc, we put the audio files in one folder,  video files in one folder , documents in one another folder etc. Like that we can keep our emails in folder. For example,  you are receiving  mail from 'hari11888 blog' due to subscribe, you can keep all mails  from 'hari11888 blog' in one folder in gmail.

One more example, i created one folder called 'jobs' and keep the all job related emails in 'jobs' folder. Like that, you can organize your emails.  In Gmail, we refer 'Label' as 'Folder'. In yahoo mail, we refer as 'Folder' directly.  Get more details difference between labels and folder in gmail. In default, gmail have 3 labels called personnel like that in left hand side. 

  • You can create your own labels ( folder ) by clicking 'create new label' in left hand side. You can delete or rename it at any time. 
  • You can color the each label to identify the particular label. Move your mouse cursor on 'box' present on next to label name which you like to put color. Now 'arrow' will appear click it and select the color. Here you will see lot of options. 
  • You can add folder in one more folder. In 'arrow' , click 'add sub label' or 'edit'.
  • If you created more labels means , you can manage it by clicking ' mange labels' in left hand side. It will redirect you to 'labels' tab in mail settings. 
  • Arrange the folders as you like, just click 'label' & move the mouse without releasing the click and place it where you like.  


You can manage the emails and folders quickly. You will see the two buttons 'Move to' & 'Labels' next to plus and minus button. When you reading emails, suddenly you can move the emails to particular folder using this button. 


Google Labs are producing unique and amazing feature to our gmail account. Hide unread count is a one of the lab related to labels. It hides 'unread emails' number. Set this feature if you like it . To enable this, Gmail setting - Labs - Search and Find ' Hide Unread Count' and select the enable. Don't forgot to click 'save changes' at the bottom.


Labels also helpful in Gmail Filter. Already i explained usage and  how to use Filters in gmail. In filters, label is  come at 'apply the label'. To understand this, you must read the filters in gmail. If you understand the filters in gmail, you can understand  need of the 'apply the label' in filter.


  • Labels give unique and nice look to your gmail account
  • Save the mails from delete the email accidently
  • Less emails in  gmail accoun, home page  &  Gmail loads faster
  • Easy to get and search the particular email
  • Easy to work with gmail


Go to mail settings and click Label tab. Here you will see lot of options to System folder and folder created by you.  

  • Move the emails to related folder suddenly after you read, otherwise if  lot of emails stored in homepage of gmail means difficult to organize.
  • Labels in gmail is wonderful feature in gmail. Work with it and understand . If you organize your emails using labels, sure you will wonder and you can feel the difference. This is very important feature in gmail and you must know.
  • Be advance in Gmail.