Today we will see wonderful and useful trick. That is how to download the torrent file using IDM ( Internet Download Manager). You know about torrent used to download files as well as IDM used to download the files faster. IDM is the world best and first download manager downloads the files very faster. Then, if we download the torrent files via IDM means, you can download the torrent files more quickly than torrent client software.
Generally we can't able to download the torrent file using IDM. This option is not available in both software. Let see the how to download. Before we see that, make sure that you have installed the IDM software. Below i explained the step by step process. Don't panic by seeing the below steps, for understand purpose only i explained briefly. Once you follow the below process, then you will know how easy it is.
1. Create a account at zbigz and log in. ( You must create the account )
2. Download your torrent file from
3. Upload your torrent file to zbigz website or paste the torrent download link ( better to upload )
4. Now click the Go button ( See the image below for help )
5. If it ask you Premium or Free, click Free.
6. Now it will starts to cache the torrent. Wait up to it completing the process. It will take few seconds only.
7. After completing the process of caching, it will shows you files you can able to download.
8. Click Download button which you want. Now IDM automatically starts to download the file. Now you can sign out the zbigz account.
- When you use FREE, it have some restrictions. But FREE is enough to all.
- You can able to upload maximum 2 torrent files files only at a time
- You should download the each torrent within 7 days.
- Visit this page and you will see the benefits what you will get for Unregistered or Registered or Premium . You will get clear idea.
Hope today post will more helpful to you. Now download torrent files in very fast.