File-hosting is very useful service and useful to our critical situation. Now we see what is file hosting and how it useful to ours, best organization to file host. I feel every one must use this service and really helpful to you. I hope already lot of members using this service and know about this info. Hereafter cloud computing manage this world. Read the post fully and make use of it. Any doubt ask freely.
You can upload your important files in organization server and you can use it at any time in any where by download. You can share that file with your friends also by providing the link. Using that link, your friends will get the files by download. In Email, we can upload Maximum 25 Mb. It does not attach file if size is more than 25 Mb. In mail we can't able to attach exe file also. It also use space in mail account. To solve this problem, file hosting is very useful and provide more options. File hosting service provide by lot of organization. Below i explained some service with its feature what i know. Read it and choose the organization which you feel better.
If you upload your files which you share again and again, you can use it at any time. For example, I scanned my Pan Card and store the Pan image file in that server. I use it whenever i need to submit the proof. Here i told just for example. You can ask, whether our files are secured? Below i explained the service feature. Read and choose it. Store you important files in Your gmail account. Use this organization server to upload general picture, video and files which you share in public.
Most of the members know about 4 Shared, Hot file, Rapid share, Mega upload, File sonic, File serve etc are providing the service file host. These are Pro services. You need to payment to get full access. In free service, You need to wait few seconds or minutes, low download speed, low upload and download files, ad's, files are store in few days only, No parallel download, they does not provide resume option also. Some other organization are providing this service in free and better. Below they are explained.
This is the file hosting service only for Photo and Video. It is entirely differ from others. Here you must upload only stills & video and you can share. Here have lot of options to edit the photo. It available in Pro also. But in free account, you will get unlimited options. Here you can upload unlimited file. This service really helpful to who have blog and websites. Click here to visit Photobucket.
Due to length of the post, i stop here. We continue the post about this topic in next part. In next part we will see upcoming feature called cloud computing file host service. Very differ from others and it will make the new change in future. One more file host service to beat all other pro file-host service. No one miss this. Before we see that, kindly work with this Photobucket. It will helpful to understand the concept.