Hi....This is one of the post every one must know the information. This info sometime will helpful to you some critical situation. Sometimes may chance to hack our mail id password. If you feel some body hacked your mail and they log in any other system means??? They can hack our password by bluffing ourself or using key logger software or any other hack method. If you feel someone know your password means do the following.
Login to your gmail account. Below the email list you can able to see 'Details'. If unable to see means open find options and type 'details'. Now they will highlighted. Click it. Now you can able to see activity list your gmail account in that details. * symbol indicate currently your gmail is login. If anybody open your gmail accounts currently means * symbol will appear in others session. So you can identify easily some one logged in our gmail account in some other place. So Click 'sign out all other session' button. Change your password security questions as well as your password and other security systems as soon as possible to you. Here you will see latest access of your gmail account. This is one super feature in gmail. You must know this info it will helpful to you some situation.