Already we saw one Google lab feature called preview your in-box. Today we will see one useful feature of Google lab. That is 'UNDO THE MAIL'. Nowadays we will send lot of mails to our friends. Sometimes suddenly we can send the mail wrongly. To avoid this, we have one feature in Google labs. 'UNDO' button will appear few seconds after we sent mail to receiver. If we feel suddenly, we had sent message wrongly or we feel receiver must not get that mail means , just click this 'UNDO' button. Now receiver does not get that mail. For example, In Ms word document , we type some sentence. suddenly chance to type wrongly. At that time we use 'UNDO' function. Like that if we don't like to send the message after send the mail to receiver, we stop that mail. So receiver doesn't get that mail. You can able to see that undo button after sent a mail. It appears few seconds only. Once upon a time, i need to send resume to company, at that time i finished body section and sent mail. Then only, i know i forget to attach my resume. Suddenly i clicked 'undo' button. So the mail is suddenly stop to send. Then i attached my resume and then i sent that mail to company. Every one make use of it. To help, see the picture. If unable to view this picture clearly, click this image to enlarge.
Now we will see how to set this feature in our gmail account. Click 'SETTINGS' at top of right side corner. Now click the tab 'LABS'. Now find the 'UNDO SEND' function in that list and choose 'ENABLE' and finally click 'SAVE CHANGES'. I will post later some important features of gmail account.
This 'undo' will appear maximum 30 seconds. To appear 30 seconds, Do this setting, Click settings, In General tab, find undo send and set 30 seconds by clicking drop down menu.
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