Click above link. Now you will see two text box. Enter your Search engine name which is your favorite name in 1st text box and click 'MAKE IT' button. In 2nd text box you will get your own search engine 'URL'. Now click 'GO' button then you are redirected to Search engine with your name. else Copy that URL and paste into address bar. Now you will get 'SEARCH ENGINE'.
Now share that URL with your friends and you can use it in your website or blog. You can invite your friends. Bookmark it and use it every time you search Google. You can make it home page instead of Google search engine. Because here you change only Google logo into your name. So your search engine act as an exact Google search. Make your friends in wonder how it is possible. Get new experience.
Now share that URL with your friends and you can use it in your website or blog. You can invite your friends. Bookmark it and use it every time you search Google. You can make it home page instead of Google search engine. Because here you change only Google logo into your name. So your search engine act as an exact Google search. Make your friends in wonder how it is possible. Get new experience.